Sunday, October 21, 2012

Final Reflection

             During Week 1 of this course, I reflected on the Learning Theories behind my practice.  Learning Theories have always been an interest of mine as they can be combined to fit the needs of the students and teaching style of the classroom teacher.  Lev Vygotsky is still my favorite theorist because his ideas about the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and the More Knowledgeable Other (MKO) fit my instructional style and the needs of my students.  Lev Vygotsky theorized that the ZPD is the distance between a student’s ability to perform a task under adult guidance and/or with peer collaboration and the student’s ability solving the problem independently (Learning Theories, 2012).  According to the Social Theory of Learning, people learn from one another via observation, imitation, and modeling (Learning Theories, 2012).  Learning from a MKO, whether it be from the teacher or a peer, allows different parts of the brain to be activated and connections are made.  When more connections are made, the easier it is for a student to access a memory (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010). 
            Six weeks ago, I had stated that “Social Learning Theories are the bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation” (Learning Theories, 2012).   I am still very confident that my classroom environment is a location where students are able to be hands-on constructivists and shaped by social learning opportunities.  However, I would say that I am now more keenly aware of my learners’ brains and what technology tools fit the theories I know fit my beliefs about how I facilitate learning opportunities.  For example, since learning about concept maps and how they replicate our brains’ networks, I now use two different technology programs to support my students in showing their learning in science and writing (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010).  Students use Kidspiration on their own and Cacoo in a guided group.  Another standout technology tool was VoiceThread because it compliments my desire for active, social learning opportunities.  It took me a little more time to prepare my learners for a lesson involving VoiceThread but they finally had their first opportunity to collaborate over one this week.  (I will post the thread after my students are ready for me to share it.) 
            Beyond this course, I have been reflecting on how my instruction will be transformed and thus, have created two goals.  First, I want to expand who my students collaborate with.  It is easy for my students to collaborate with each other and other students in our school but I think it is pivotal that my students experience a wide-variety of viewpoints.  I have friends who teach in Chicago, Oregon, and California and it will be easy to start there. However, my hope is to go beyond those classrooms and connect with students overseas.  I am not sure how to find willing teachers but I know I will start with networking with teachers whom I already know have had connections beyond Federal Way at one point.  Secondly, I want to utilize a virtual field trip for every science and social studies unit we study.  I have used one already in our study of ecosystems and my students loved it!  Knowing my curriculum ahead of time and previewing potential sites will be critical to my success.  I have already bookmarked the sites shared in tour courses’ Technology Resources to help me start planning ahead.  I know I will have a difficult time finding many virtual field trips during our study of Washington State History but I only need one good one to meet my goal! 
            This course was one of my favorites thus far because it combined two of my favorite things: learning theories and technology.  I expanded my knowledge about theories that I was not originally drawn to and was introduced to many technology tools that were unknown to me six weeks ago.  My instruction has been transformed by the intentional technology tools I am using to enhance the lessons I facilitate. If asked, I state the specific research behind what I am using and how my students will benefit.  I think that is the greatest outcome of any class yet!

:) Katie

Laureate Education, Inc. (2010). Designing curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2012, September). Activity Theory at Retrieved September 9th, 2012 from

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